Conservation Index
A new genetic index worked out during the TuBAvI-2 project
A new genetic index, aimed at improving reproductive efficiency and at safeguarding biodiversity, was worked out during the TuBAvI-2 project: the Conservation Index.
The new index was applied to the reproductive management of nucleus populations. Average population IC values and individual IC values are available to download.
The IC Conservation Index combines the molecular data from Kinship index (P) and from Individual Heterozygosis (Individual genetic diversity Index, H-Indiv) and ranges from 0 to 2.
Higher values of the Conservation Index are indicative of higher genetic variability and lower kinship.
The Conservation Index is expressed as per cent increase in comparison with the average value of the population in which kinship was evaluated (IC%). Individuals with higher IC% values are to be preferred as breeders.
Graphical representation of the average values of genetic indexes from the populations conserved by the TuBAvI project

Graphical representation of the values of Observed heterozigosis (Ho) depending on Kinship (P)