Conservation centers
University of Milan
Avian Center for the Conservation of Local Genetic Resources
The Avian Center for the Conservation of Local Genetic Resources, settled at the University of Milan, was recognised by AIA (Associazione Italiana Allevatori, Italian Breeder Association) and by Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests as a reference center for local poultry breeds in 2016, and is registered in the Herb Book of Native Poultry Breeds created in 2014 (Ministry for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests Decree n. 19536, October 1, 2014) as breeding farm, according to the Herd Book procedural guidelines.
The Avian Center develops a conservation program according to the in situ technique for chicken and turkey breeds from Lombardy. At present; the breeds are: Mericanel della Brianza and Milanino, Gallus gallus species, and Brianzolo and Nero d’Italia, Meleagris gallopavo species. In addition, the Modenese chicken breed is going to be included in 2022. The main activity of the Center is the breeding management of small populations with the aim to preserve biodiversity and control inbreeding. Moreover, the Avian Center promotes the farming of autochthonous breeds for productive purposes across the region making chickens available to farmers.
The Avian Center for the Conservation of Local Genetic Resources is located in Building C – Zoocultures of the Teaching Farm (Centro Zootecnico Didattico Sperimentale, CZDS, Building C includes several rooms equipped for poultry rearing according to both floor (6 rooms) and cage (2 rooms) systems; 3 rooms are dedicated to artificial incubation, and few more rooms to utilities (office, laboratory, warehouse, dressing room). All rearing rooms have controlled environment. Each floor room is provided with 6 pens (3x2m) be equipped for rearing birds in the brooding, growing or reproductive periods.
The Teaching Farm (TF), inaugurated on October 6, 2008, is managed by the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DiVAS), located at the University Veterinary Campus in Lodi. In addition to Building C, dedicated to poultry, rabbits and fish, the TF includes several more buildings devoted to farm animals: cattle (dairy and meat), pigs, and bees. TF supports educational activities, scientific research projects and extension services.
Look at the pictures of the Avian Center for the Conservation of Local Genetic Resources.
University of Florence
Experimental Animal Farms
The Experimental Animal Farms (EAF) of the University of Florence were established almost one century ago. In 1930s, prof. Giuliani used the experimental farms of the former Institute of Zootechnics in Florence to perform several important trials in cattle and pigs. In the postwar period, the Farms housed different rural bovine breeds to produce crosses between breeds and to carry out studies on nutrition and feeding. Since 1980s, the EAF have been used for selection, conservation and valorisation of autochthonous poultry breeds from Tuscany region. Feeding trials are also performed on broiler chickens, with the aim to study natural ingredients used instead of antibiotics, and the effects of lipid and poliphenolic supplements on productive performances, meat quality and animal health. Technicians and researchers provide technical assistance to farmers. students and former students who are committed to start farming the breeds that can be found at the Farms.
University of Padua
“Sasse Rami” Experimental Farm, “A. Della Lucia” Agrarian High School, “Duca degli Abruzzi” Agrarian High School, “Domenico Sartor” Agrarian High School
The Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural resources, Animals and Environment of the University of Padua has been performing several studies on genetic characterisation of local poultry breeds from the Veneto Region. Birds were sampled within breed populations reared in different farms mainly located in the provinces of Padua, Treviso, Rovigo and Belluno. The poultry farms are managed as conservation centres with the aim to safeguard local breeds and biodiversity.
The conservation centres are managed by the following public institutions:
- Veneto Agricoltura (Veneto Region’s Agency for Innovation in the Agricultural Primary Sector) – “Sasse Rami” Experimental Farm, in Ceregnano (Rovigo). Sasse Rami is one of the main conservation centres in the Veneto Region. It houses several animal species, that are relevant for both animal production and agronomy, thus preserving them from biodiversiy loss. The local poultry species/breeds/varieties are: Ermellinata di Rovigo, Robusta Maculata, Robusta Lionata, Pepoi, Padovana Argentata, Padovana Camosciata, Padovana Dorata, Polverara Bianca, Polverara Nera, Millefiori di Lonigo (Gallus gallus sp.); Ermellinato di Rovigo e Bronzato Comune (Meleagris gallopavo sp.); Camosciata (Numida Meleagris sp.); Mignon, Germanata Veneta (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus sp.); Padovana (Anser anser sp.).
- “A. Della Lucia” Agrarian High School , in Feltre (Belluno). The “A. Della Lucia” Agrarian High School keeps several farm animals, including poultry species, for conservation. Among poultry, the following species and breeds are present: Ermellinata di Rovigo, Robusta Maculata, Robusta Lionata, Pepoi, Polverara Bianca, Polverara Nera, Millefiori di Lonigo (Gallus gallus sp.); Mignon, Germanata Veneta (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus sp.).
- “Duca degli Abruzzi” Agrarian High School, in Padua. The “Duca degli Abruzzi” Agrarian High School has maintained rare or endangered poultry breeds, and in particular Paduan breeds, since 1986. The following poultry breeds and varieties are present: Polverara Bianca, Padovana Argentata, Padovana Camosciata e Padovana Dorata (Gallus gallus sp.).
- “Domenico Sartor” Agrarian High School – Headquarter in Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso) and a separate branch in San Gaetano di Montebelluna (Treviso). Seven local poultry breeds from the Veneto Region are reared in the poultry farm of the school. The breeds and species are: Ermellinata di Rovigo, Robusta Maculata, Robusta Lionata, Pepoi (Gallus gallus sp.); Camosciata (Numida Meleagris sp.); Ermellinato di Rovigo and Bronzato Comune (Meleagris gallopavo sp.).
Look at the pictures of the “Sasse Rami” Experimental Farm and of the “A. Della Lucia” Agrarian High School”.
Look at the poster on genetic characterisation of the poultry breeds from Veneto, prepared by UniPD for the teaching activity performed at the conservation centers.
Università of Perugia
Experimental Poultry and Rabbit Farm
The Research Unit in Animal Production (UR-SZ) belongs to the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (DSA3), established in 2014. UR-SZ carries on studies on animal production continuing the historical expertise started with the Scuola Zootecnica in 1896.
Within UR-SZ, the research group AGR/20 is involved in studies aimed to develop extensive and organic rearing systems for poultry, rabbits and fish. In particular, the research activities are focused on animal biodiversity for alternative rearing systems, microbiota, lipid metabolism and oxidative stress.
UR-SZ manages the Experimental Poultry and Rabbit Farm (Vestricciano, Ponte della Pietra (Perugia), where the animals used in experimental trials are reared. The structure is made of 3 barns dedicated to animal rearing (two for poultry and one for rabbits), and a building devoted to service activities (office, laboratory, dressing room, artificial incubation, feed preparation and tool shed).
The Region Umbria was among the regions that first issued a regional Law on genetic resources with an agrarian interest (L.R. 25/2001). It was then updated on April 9, 2015 to L.R. 12/2015, the Single Text for Agriculture (Testo unico in materia di agricoltura), which contains a section devoted to the conservation of autochthonous genetic resources with an agrarian interest (artt. 67-71, Capo IV, Tutela delle risorse genetiche autoctone di interesse agrario).
In order to preserve biodiversity, the Experimental Poultry and Rabbit Farm has holded for decades in situ/on farm breeding of Livorno (Black – Nera – strain Università degli Studi di Perugia, Golden – Dorata – strain Università degli Studi di Perugia, Silver – Argentata – and White – Bianca – strain Università degli Studi di Perugia; Fam. Phasianidae; Gen. Gallus Brisson; Sp. Gallus gallus L.) and Ancona (Fam. Phasianidae Horsfield; Gen. Gallus Brisson; Sp. Gallus gallus L.) poultry breeds. Both breeds, whose populations have undergone significant reductions, originate from Central Italy and consist of lightweight and rural chickens, which easily adjust to extensive rearing systems.
As a consequence to the participation in TuBAvI-2 project, the Experimental Poultry and Rabbit Farm has recentry introduced the Robusta Maculata breed, an Italian chicken breed selected around 1965 at the Experimental Station of Poultry Farming of Rovigo.
Look at the pictures of the Experimental Poultry and Rabbit Farm.
University of Molise
Agreement with private farms for poultry management
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food (AAA) of the University of Molise has the aim to characterize productive and reproductive traits of chicken and turkey autochthonous breeds. AAA Department has established agreements with independent farms committed to house and manage the small breeder populations under study.
The following two farms are involved:
- Bramante Giuseppe
The main location of the farm is in Rignano Garganico (Foggia), and a further location is in San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia), where the birds will be housed.
Two flocks of turkeys of the Romagnolo and Ermellinato di Rovigo breeds will be under conservation. - Di Iorio Donato
The farm is in Paulo della Vetica (Campobasso) and will manage a chicken flock of the Siciliana breed for conservation.
University of Pisa
Poultry Breeding Farm Podere Le Querciole
The poultry breeding farm Podere Le Querciole belongs to the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa and is located in San Piero a Grado (Pisa). The farm rears, according to a conservation programme, small chicken populations of few Italian egg-type breeds for both educational and scientific purposes. The rearing activity of the farm started in the second half of the ’90s with genetic resources dated back to half 1900.
At present, the chicken breeds available are: Livorno (white, black and blue varieties), Ancona, Siciliana, and Robusta Lionata.
Birds perform a complete reproductive cycle within the farm, including the breeding period, the conservation and artificial incubation of eggs (collected in this farm only), and the growth of young chickens. The maximum capacity of the farm is 250 birds. Students have the opportunity to experience practical activities in poultry farming during internships and practical lectures. Students work in direct contact with birds and can learn from the peculiar behaviour and reactivity of rare breeds.
The breeding farm follows biosecurity rules, being isolated from other poultry breeding farms and from the ordinary road network. The farm facilities include a closed building, equipped with the hatchery and the brooding area, many outdoor pens with different surface areas (from 27 to 4 sqm), and several buildings with store rooms. The hatchery includes: entrance room where eggs are received; a conservation/sanitisation room; an incubation room; a hatching room. Chicks’ rearing begins indoor in a protected environment (the brooding area) equipped with warmed up cages. The chicks are reared in the brooding area until their early feathering has developed. When chicks are three-four-week old, they can be transferred outdoor and are divided among the pens according to the breed, in order to preserve purity, and to the age, to control inbreeding. Females and males are reared together up to almost three months of age.
Poultry breeding farm Podere Le Querciole [026PI014]
Via Livornese 782 – San Piero a Grado (PI)
Look at the pictures of the poultry breeding farm Podere Le Querciole.
University of Turin
Centre for the Conservation of Local Poultry Genetic Resources
The Centre for the Conservation of Local Poultry Genetic Resources was born in 2014 from the cooperation of the Department of Veterinary Sciences (Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie, DSV) and the Department of Agrarian, Forestry and Food Sciences (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari, DISAFA), with the aim to preserve the genetic heritage of poultry breeds from Piemonte acquired over time, and thus to consolidate in situ conservation activity. The Centre is located in Carmagnola (Turin), within the farming facilities of DISAFA.
The safeguard of traditional poultry breeds, Bionda Piemontese and Bianca di Saluzzo, has begun at the end of the ’90s, in concomitance with the establishment of Presidi Slow Food (Slow Food Presidiums) in order to add value to endangered products with exquisite organoleptic qualities ( The conservation activities were even more boosted by the establishment of Presidi di razza (breed Presidiums), by the inclusion of breed products into the list of Traditional Agri-food Products (Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali, PAT, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests), and by the establishment of the Consortium for safeguard and valorisation of Bianca, Bionda, and Carmagnola grey rabbit.
In 2011, DSV has started a conservation programme aimed to characterise and valorise the Piemonte poultry breeds. Facility for poultry farming were set up at DISAFA and about 200 birds from each breed were housed for the reproductive period. The Center is equipped with 24 pens, each one with both indoor (2,2×3,5m wide) and outdoor (2,2×4,5m wide) area, an hetchery to set 1300 eggs, and a climate-controlled brooding area with 24 boxes; fourty moving aviaries are also available, to be used in the brooding period.
The Center has adopted an innovative mating plan, based on molecular data, that allows to maximise the conservation of genetic diversity and to reduce the increase in inbreeding.
In 2016, Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Foresty Policies and Italian Breeder Association (Associazione Italiana Allevatori, AIA) recognised the Centre as reference centre for local poultry breeds according to the guidelines of the Italian Herd Book of Native Poultry Breeds. In addition, a collaboration started between AIA and the Centre for the establishment of the Italian Herd Book of Native Poultry Breeds, stated by D.M. n. 19536, October 1, 2014.
The Centre cooperates with the Consortium for safeguard and valorisation of Bianca, Bionda, and Carmagnola grey rabbit to provide technical and scientific support to farmers and to promote initiatives aimed at the valorisation and the dissemination of rare local poultry breeds.
DISAFA Poultry Breeding Centre is authorised by Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (Authorisation Decree n. 182/2010A, November 3, 2011).
For information
University of Turin
Department of Veterinary Sciences
Prof. Achille Schiavone
Tel. 0116709002
Look at the pictures of the Centre for the Conservation of Local Poultry Genetic Resources.