University of Milan
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DiVAS)
The mission of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DiVAS), University of Milan, is to promote animal and human health and welfare, taking also into consideration their interaction with the environment.
DiVAS has been established in 2022 from the union of the Department of Veterinary Medicine (DiMeVet) and the Department of Veterinary Sciences for Health, Animal Production and Food Safety (VESPA), with the major aim to provide a large comprehensive training for the veterinarian and other professional figures connected to the veterinary, animal production and biotechnological sciences. Education is offered through multidisciplinary courses, including hospital and research activities, based on prevention, diagnostics and therapy of animal diseases, and hygiene of livestock and productions. Furthermore, all the activities take into consideration veterinary public health according to a broader “One-health” objective, to guarantee the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment. DiVAS is also actively involved in the management of the University Veterinary Hospital and of the Teaching Farm, both located in the university facilities in Lodi.
DiVAS develops, coordinates and promotes clinical and diagnostic activities, in both pets and livestock: it also promotes the prevention and treatment of animal behavioural problems, the prevention of diffusive animal diseases and zoonoses, and the inspection of food of animal origin to protect animal and human health. DiVAS includes also other expertise related to veterinary sciences: livestock production, drug-toxicology and food production, biotechnology and environmental protection. It is an academic scientific department of national and international relevance in several topics in animals: health, production, genetics and welfare.
A working group dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity in avian genetic resources has been active within DiVAS since several years. Phenotypic and genetic characterization has been studied in rare Italian poultry breeds. Research activities are combined with a in situ conservation programme for small chicken and turkey populations reared at the Avian Centre for the Conservation of Local Genetic Resources. The Avian Centre was established within the Teaching Farm on 2014 and recognised as a reference structure for local avian breeds by A.I.A. (Associazione Italiana Allevatori, Italian Breeder Association) on 2016.
Project leader
Prof Silvia Cerolini
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences
Via dell’Università, 6 – 26900 Lodi
e-mail: silvia.cerolini@unimi.it