University of Perugia
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (DSA3)
The Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (DSA3), University of Perugia, has been active since 2013. The DSA3 includes different Research Units (RUs); its mission is to improve knowledge in the agri-food supply chains, to provide technical expertise in animal production and in environmental and landscape protection in order to support economic and cultural development of territorial systems.
The Department carries out relevant activities in both teaching and research. The researchprojects take advantage of modern laboratories, computer rooms, greenhouses, botanical gardens, experimental facilities for agricultural and animal production trials.
In particular, the RUof Animal Production has gained national relevance in research and dissemination activities on animal production. Research studies focus on several factors related to the rearing and feeding techniques of poultry and rabbit and to the assessment of the nutritional, functional and sensory characteristics of meat and eggs.
Prof. Cesare Castellini and Prof. Alessandro Dal Bosco are leaders of the poultry and rabbit research group that is mainly involved in studying alternative rearing systems deepening problems related to feeding, management and quality of production, welfare, and economic and environmental impact.
The RU of Animal Sciences is also involved in conservation of biodiversity in poultry species; in particular, small breeder flocks of Livorno (white, silver, golden, and varieties) and Ancona chicken breeds are maintained.
Project leader
Prof. Cesare Castellini
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences
Borgo 20 Giugno, 75 – 06100 Perugia