Who are we?
The TuBAvI project is the result of the association of the Italian Universities engaged in the conservation of biodiversity in poultry species through the direct management of autochthonous breed populations. The partnership allows the development of coordinated and integrated activities at the national level, overcoming the problem of fragmentation into several initiatives limited to local areas.
What do we do?
The projects Conservation of biodiversity in Italian poultry breeds – TuBAvI (DG DISR-DISR07-Prot. n. 0011078-16.03.2018) and Conservation of biodiversity in Italian poultry breeds: deepening and monitoring – TuBAvI-2 (DG DISR-DISR07-Prot. n. 0162350-09.04.2021) are financed by Ministry of agriculture, food sovereignty and forestry, NRDP 2014-2022 – Measure 10.2 Biodiversity – Poultry sector.
TuBAvI (2017-2020) and TuBAvI-2 (2020-2024) are dedicated to the safeguard, conservation and valorisation of the Italian poultry genetic resources, represented by many autochthonous breeds historically present in the Country.
The projects are fully consistent with the National Rural Development Programme – NRDP (Programma di Sviluppo Rurale Nazionale – PSRN) – Biodiversity that is aimed at supporting the conservation of the animal genetic resources farmed for food production and the conservation of genetic variability through a series of activities focused on characterisation, data collection and sustainable utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture.