
Synonyms or local names: Schiata or s-ciàta

Geographic origin: Veneto (Padua)

Geographic distribution: Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Estimated total population size: 1093 (Castillo et al., 2021)

Extinction risk status (FAO, 1998): Not at risk

Any other specific information: Presence of a tuft, less developed than in the Padovana breed

Historical origin of the breed

Historical breed. The origin of the Polverara breed seems to date back to the XIV century, when the marquise Giovanni Dondi Dell’Orologio came back from a journey in Poland with chickens with an unusual appearance. Over time, he cross-breeded them, producing new chickens which showed good adaptation to the territory and the Polverara birds were among them. This breed is of medium/light size, with elegant bearing. The meat is dark, endowed with sapidity and firmness, suitable for many culinary preparations, also coming from ancient popular traditions, such as the stuffed hen (gallina con il pien). The Polverara is suitable for the valorization of the typical productions of the Veneto region. It is included in the National Plan of Biodiversity in Agriculture and in the Atlas of Traditional Agri-food Products (Atlante dei Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali) of the Veneto region.


White Polverara female (UniPD)

Qualitative morphological traits

Feather morphology: Normal

Feather distribution: Normal

Plumage structure: Soft

Plumage colours: White, Black

Colour features: Single-colour, with sexual dimorphism

Colour pattern:
White: Brilliant white plumage, white down

Black: Brilliant intense black, with strong green lustre, black down

Chick plumage colour: Straw yellow down with grey nuances

Comb type: Absent, replaced in the male by small V-shaped hornets, that are barely visible in the female

Ear-lobe colour: Pure white

Beak colour: Pink yellow in the White; dark horn with black stripes in the Black

Iris colour: Red-orange to brown

Muffs: Present

Beard: Present

Tuft: Present, upright on the head and leaning forward

Skin colour: White

Shank colour: Willow green in the White; slate with greenish shades in the Black

Shank feathering: Free from feathers

Other specific and distinct visible traits: Rudimentary red wattles, in part covered by the beard

Pictures from the archives of Prof. Gabriele Baldan and Prof. Massimo De Marchi.


Black Polverara female (UniPD)

Quantitative morphological traits

Genetic traits

Characterisation of the breed with Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)

Characterisation of nucleus populations with microsatellites

Reproductive and productive quantitative traits

Oviposition, brooding and incubation data

Egg-quality traits

Reproductive traits

Rearing traits

The presented data were registered in the nucleus populations of white and black Polverara conserved at the “Sasse Rami” Experimental Farm, in Ceregnano (Rovigo). The data are presented by breed and, for some traits, by colour.

Technical data sheet

(The layout of the data sheet is ready for the booklet format. Print on both sides of paper, selecting “flip on short edge”.)

Germplasm collection

The breed is conserved in our Cryobank with 4 semen doses from 1 donor.

Latest update: August 22nd, 2024
